Horsley Woodhouse Primary School



Our team has carefully discussed the expectations for our children in terms of homework and / or support at home for their learning.


Class 1

  • Reading 3 times per week
  • Phonics work.
  • Times Tables Rockstars (Year 1 only)


Class 2

  • Reading 3 times per week
  • Times Tables Rockstars


Class 3

  • Reading 3 times per week
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • 1 piece of Maths or English each week (alternate weeks for each subject)


Class 4

  • Reading 3 times per week
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • 1 piece of Maths homework
  • 1 piece of English homework


All classes will be given the opportunity for optional topic based projects or activities half-termly.


Reading at home

Please help your child by supporting them with their learning at home. The single most important thing for children is reading – please read to them, model reading and hear them read whenever you can.

As a minimum, each child is expected to read 3 times per week. Children’s reading records will need to be signed by an adult so that staff can check their reading progress. Older children in Class 3 and 4 will need a suitable space at home to complete reading and homework tasks. Homework should largely be carried out independently by the children. Where children struggle, please notify their teacher so this may be addressed in school.

Main Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT

Headteacher - Mrs Parmjit Atwal
School Business Officer - Ms Rachel Langford
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs L Goodwin
Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Bramley (email: s.bramley@horsleywoodhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk)

For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Langford or Mrs. Stevens on the following number or email:

