Horsley Woodhouse Primary School


At Horsley Woodhouse Primary School, we are committed to our duty of safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of all children. 

View our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the menu on the right of this page (below on mobile).

Defined for the purpose of this guidance as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment; 
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development; 
  • Ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and 
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances 

More information is available in the PDF of the school's Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the menu on the right (below on mobile). 

If you have any concerns about the safety and welfare of any child at school please contact any of the following people. 

  1. Any member of staff who will be able to direct your concern to the appropriate person 
  1. A School Governor (a list can be seen on the school website).  

The designated Person in School for Child Protection is Mrs. Parmjit Atwal – Headteacher. 

In her absence the designated deputy is Mr. Harry Rickels - 2nd DSL

The nominated governor is Mrs. Paula Hawkins. 

During school holidays or out of hours your concerns can be shared by emailing our Safeguarding mailbox safeguarding@horsleywoodhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk

We endeavor to check this mailbox at least once per week during school holidays.  


Important contact details 

Starting Point  (For all Safeguarding Concerns): 

Tel: 01629 533 190 
Fax: 01629 585 669 
Out of hours Call Derbyshire (Children’s /Young Peoples and Adult Social Care) 

Tel: 01629 533190 
Fax: 01629 585669 

Police Central Referral Unit 

Butterley Hall 
DE5 3RS 

Tel: 0300 122 8719 
Fax: 01773 572074 

NSPCC - National Helpline 
0808 800 5000 

0800 11 11 



DCC Child Protection/ Safeguarding Team – 01629 532178 

Derbyshire Police 101- can route non urgent referrals through to the PREVENT Team 

Children’s Social Care (single point of Contact- Starting Point) - 01629 5319930  

Seamus Carroll is the lead officer for Prevent at Derbyshire County Council seamus.carroll@derbyshire.gov.uk Telephone 01629 538494 or 07771 980107 


Main Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT

Headteacher - Mrs Parmjit Atwal
School Business Officer - Ms Rachel Langford
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs L Goodwin
Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Bramley (email: s.bramley@horsleywoodhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk)

For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Langford or Mrs. Stevens on the following number or email:

