Horsley Woodhouse Primary School

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1!

We are a class of 21 children, made up of reception and year 1 children. Our classroom is a wonderful world of new ideas, new concepts and new ambitions! We love learning lots together with Mrs Rogers, Miss Attenborough and Mrs Oughton and we can be heard laughing together most of the time. When visitors walk into our colourful world they always want to stay – come and visit us!

Have a look below at our year so far and what we are currently learning about!

We spent the first term in class 1 getting to know our new friends and using our senses to explore the school! Our reception children started to learn their letters and sounds and we enjoyed reading stories such as ‘Wanda’s First Day’.


Class 1 enjoyed lots of outdoor learning this term as we learnt about the changing season. We collect leaves to make our own leafy owls and explored the colours of nature in our school forest.


This term our topic was 'It's not fair!'. We learnt about the amazing life of Rosa Parks and have been exploring our own emotions. We've been material investigators and loved celebrating the Chinese New Year!


Main Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT

Headteacher - Mrs Parmjit Atwal
School Business Officer - Ms Rachel Langford
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs L Goodwin
Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Bramley (email: s.bramley@horsleywoodhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk)

For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Langford or Mrs. Stevens on the following number or email:

