GDPR (Data Protection)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
All Staff within Horsley Woodhouse Primary School take their UK GDPR and data protection obligations very seriously and is therefore a main priority within our school.
Please follow the link here to view all UK GDPR policies on our trust website.
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr John Walker whose details can be found on the Embark Learning Trust website.
For specific requests and information, please contact Mrs Atwal who is our designated UK GDPR lead at Horsley Primary School via
Whilst the majority of information that you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided to us on a voluntary basis. In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain information to us or if you have a choice in this.
'Consent' is one of the reasons given in the Privacy Notice for Parents/Carers to allow the school to share data. As an example, this may be for a photograph or video to be taken and used for school purposes in a school display or assembly. It may be, to have their school annual photograph taken for parents/carers to purchase. Our consent form is part of our Student Information Form which every parent is asked to complete when their child starts at Horsley Woodhouse Primary School.
Pupil Consent Withdrawal forms are available, and Adult Consent Withdrawal forms are available below.
Main Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT
Headteacher - Mrs Parmjit Atwal
School Business Officer - Ms Rachel Langford
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs L Goodwin
Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Bramley (email:
For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Langford or Mrs. Stevens on the following number or email: