Horsley Woodhouse Primary School

School Policies

Parent folder
 Embark Charging and remissions policy 190923.pdfDownload
 Embark Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 2023.pdfDownload
 EMBARK Complaints Policy.pdfDownload
 Embark Separated Parents July 2023 Vs 1.pdfDownload
 Equalities Policy.pdfDownload
 Intimate Care Policy.pdfDownload
 Private_Fostering Policy_290923.docx.pdfDownload
Showing 11-20 of 27

Main Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT

Headteacher - Mrs Parmjit Atwal
School Business Officer - Ms Rachel Langford
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) - Mrs L Goodwin
Chair of Governors - Mr Steve Bramley (email: s.bramley@horsleywoodhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk)

For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Langford or Mrs. Stevens on the following number or email:

